Tag Archives: volcanic eruption deaths

Keeping a safe distance from an active volcano

Every few years, there is a volcanic eruption that takes the lives of innocent bystanders.  The loss of human life is heartbreaking. While most volcanoes show us warning signs before they erupt, it is impossible to predict the exact date and time that an eruption will occur.  The results can be tragic.  The loss of life has caused for some people to call for a ban on public access to all active volcanoes worldwide.

After the Whakaari (White Island) eruption claimed 21 lives in December 2019, the cry to ban active volcanoes from the public became louder than ever.  Advocates for the ban claim that if no one can approach an active volcano, then the death toll will be zero.  Is it possible to ban the public from all active volcanoes? Should active volcanoes be banned at all?

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